Despite the easypeasy button that says "allow backorders" on Magento's backend there are a couple problems when you do this.
1) For instance if the product says out of stock the checkout button won't show up. So here is a fix for that...
Around line 62 on view.phtml under app/design/frontend/base/default/template/catalog/product remove the if saleable lines surrounding this
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('addtocart') ?>
<?php if( $this->helper('wishlist')->isAllow() || $_compareUrl=$this->helper('catalog/product_compare')->getAddUrl($_product)): ?>
<span class="or"><?php echo $this->__('OR') ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
2) The next problem you will find is after clicking checkout there is a red box that pops at the top saying that the product is out of stock - stopping you from moving further to actually put the items in the cart. Here is the fix for that...
Under code/core/mage/cataloginventory/model/stock/item.php comment out the following items
if (!$this->getIsInStock()) {
->setMessage(Mage::helper('cataloginventory')->__('This product is currently out of stock.'))
->setQuoteMessage(Mage::helper('cataloginventory')->__('Some of the products are currently out of stock'))
return $result;
Thats all there is to it. You should now be able to check out products listed as out of stock.
will this still notify customer ie, This product is not available in the requested quantity. # of the items will be backordered.