Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Google+ - How to Use Google+

Basic Features and Terminology

Circles - A group of people you associate with a word such as "family" "friends" "coworkers" "besties" "stalkers" etc. You can put people in more than one circle. You can even create a circle for bookmarks for you to save links for yourself. You do not need someone's permission to add them to your circle but they will be notified when you add them. The circlee will not know what circle you put them in, so you can feel comfortable your "labels" are private. Adding someone to a circle is as easy as dragging their picture to the circle you want them in.

Games - Doesn't really need explanation. However, if you like Angry Birds you should definitely check out G+'s games section.

Sparks - This feature has not yet been developed to a point where it is very useful, however the point behind it is a quicksearch, or something like google alerts. It allows you to select a topic or term to allow you to jump to search results and recent related articles for it.

Photos - The photos section syncs with your Picasa Web Albums so you will likely already find pictures in yours if it is associate with a current Google/Picasa account. The neat thing here is that the web apps will automatically sync new pics to this section.

Hangouts - Google+ Hangouts are the Google+'s answer to skype chats. Except they are way more useful and fun. You can screen share, watch youtube videos together, join a public hangout perhaps by someone you follow, and as of now even Google Docs Collaboration. The perfect project management tool.

How To

Import facebook friends to G+ - There are a number of ways to bring your facebook friends to G+ here are two of them:

  1. Use the Friends to Gmail App
    1. Download the app Friends to Gmail -
    2. Use the app to download your friends to gmail from facebook
    3. Go into g+ and add your contacts from gmail to the circles you would like them in
  2. Use Yahoo
    1. Log into your (or a new) yahoo account and use facebook connect to connect it to your fb account
    2. Go to contacts and import your facebook friends (more info here)
    3. Go to your G+ contacts page and use find and invite to connect to your yahoo account
Import facebook pics to G+ - There are also a number of ways to bring your facebook pics to G+ here are two of them:
  1. Use Chrome Extension
    1. Go to and install the app
    2. After installed click the move photos button at the top of chrome and login with your facebook credentials
    3. Click cancel at the delete screen if you want to keep them on facebook too
    4. Make sure you are logged into picasa webs
    5. Click upload
    6. Now you can go to G+ and see your photos from picasa available to share
  2. Download from Facebook
    1. log into your facebook account, go to account settings, and download your information
    2. click the download button
    3. await the email with your download link
    4. click link on email and type in your fb password
    5. once the file is downloaded unzip it and open the file that says photos
    6. upload photos from this file to g+
How to Post on G+ - Just like on facebook type your status, picture, whatever at the top and where it says circles click the ones (or type the circles or names) that you want to share it with. Super easy peasy.

Then all thats left to do is delete your facebook account.

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